Home Food Safety

Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each year roughly 1 in 6 Americans (or 48 million people) get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of foodborne diseases each year?

Food safety is a major public health priority. Foodborne illness is common and costly but can be prevented.

Online Courses

  1. Farmers’ Market Consumer/Shoppers: What to look for-Coming spring 2024!
    This one hour online course provides valuable information for consumers shopping at Farmers’ Markets for food that is locally produced, marketed, and consumed, as interest grows, so do questions.
  2. Texas Cottage Food Law Course  The Texas Cottage Food Law allows residents to prepare and sell specific foods from an unlicensed residential (home) kitchen. This online course is designed to educate people who want to start a cottage food production operation out of their residence in Texas
  3. Understanding the Dates on Food Labels
    Dates are placed on food labels for a variety of reasons. This online course will help you learn the differences between dates often seen on products/packages at your local retail stores.

Farmers Market Resources

Cottage Food Production Resources

Home Food Preservation

National Center for Home Food Preservation 

Disaster/Emergency Preparedness

Other Consumer Food Safety Resources

Additional Links

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