Online Courses for Cottage Food Businesses

1.  Food Handlers Course

An owner of a Cottage Food business is required to have a food handlers card from a state accredited program. Our accredited food handlers course will help you learn basic food safety practices that can help assure the food you prepare and sell is safe.

The online Food Handlers course:

  • is less than 2 hours in length
  • costs $15.00 per person online
  • is accredited by Texas Department of State Health Services

Upon completion of the Food Handlers  course, you will be able to print a Food Handlers card. This card will be valid for 2 years. The cost of the course does not cover any fees associated with your local health department.

If you have any regulatory questions, please contact Rebecca Dittmar at (830) 896-9037 or Julie Prouse at (979) 458-2025.  You can also contact us online.

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2. Cooking up a Cottage Food Business

In Texas, the Cottage Food Law allows residents to prepare and sell specific foods from an unlicensed residential (home) kitchen. This course is designed to help people who want to start a cottage food production operation out of their residence. Through this course individuals will gain knowledge of the current Texas Cottage Food Law and general rules and best practices for preparing food safely.

  • is about 1 hour in length
  • costs $10.00 per person online
  • printable certificate

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